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Just you

Lost sinners, by nature, don’t seek after God. Just as Mephibosheth knew he wasn’t worthy of the love and kindness of the King, sinners know deep in their hearts that they aren’t worthy of the love God shows towards us. As one of those dirty, filthy sinners, I find it amazing that God sought me out. I knew I was defiled. I knew I was marred by sin. My lame and sin struck body was worthless to Him. He had no reason to want me and I had no reason to believe that he ever would, yet he looked down from heaven one day and sought me. “…Becky?” I heard the voice, but my shame caused me to run and my guilt forced me to hide. “…Becky? I’m searching for you.” He wanted me personally. He wanted all of me. My short-comings, my failures, my weaknesses, all of it. “…Becky, I want you… My child, won’t you come?” A sinner can never forget the day that the servant of the King comes in the form of Holy Ghost conviction to give the glorious message. Something you never anticipated in your wildest dreams. Something you never expected. “The King wants you…” Why would he want me? “…Won’t you come?” He didn’t send for me so he could pronounce my judgment, though that’s every bit of what I deserved. No… he sent to extend his hand of mercy and offered to pour out His abundant supply of love and compassion. “Come and feast at the Kings table… He bids you come…” Why? Why does He want me? I haven’t done anything to deserve to eat at the kings table. I don’t deserve the grace God pours around me on a daily basis. I’m just Becky… just Becky. …and you’re just Jack. You’re just Tim. You’re just Cindy, or Carrie, or Sam… You’re just Mephibosheth… …But the King is calling you. Won’t you come? Tags: , , ,